The old lodges

The former lodges of the SOT 

The importance of the Trinity is recalled by the names
about forty lodges

   View of Hund Castle before the fire. Location of the outfits 1st lodge of the SOT in 1751
“Les Trois Colonnes” founded by Hund himself

Aachen: Lodge SOT

Aix-en-Provence: Saint-Jean d’Écosse close Observance

Altona: Juliane aux Trois Lions Annecy, Loge SOT

Aubonne: Friendship to the test

Augsburg: SOT Lodge

Balls: Libertas, Die Volkomene Freundschafltg (The Perfect Friendship).

Bentheim: Lodge SOT

Berlin: At the Three Globes, the Concorde, Frédéric with the Golden Lion, Frédéric with the Three Seraphs.

Besançon: Sincerity

Biberich: La Constante Union

Bielystock (Poland): Friendship

Bonn: Name unknown after disappearance from the archives (1775)

Bordeaux: Harmony

Bouxvillers: The Charity

Breme: La Clef d’Argent, La Clé d’Or

Breslau: Friedrich zum goldenen Zepter

Brieg / Brzeg: Friedrich zur aufgehenden rings

Brunn: Lodge SOT

Brunswick: The Crowned Column

Carcassonne: Perfect Union and Perfect Truth

Cassel: Le Lion Couronné (active until 1796).

Chambéry: Perfect Sincerity, Perfect Friendship

Cologne: Maximilien aux Trois Lys

Colmar: La Concorde, Friendship

Copenhagen: Zorobabel, Phoenix, the North Star

Krakow: The Three Helmets of Krakow

Danzig: On three levels, which in 1777 became Eugénia zum Gekrönten Löwen (Eugénia the crowned lion)

Dresden: The Three Palms, the Three Golden Swords, the Three Eagles, the Three Golden Glaives, Minerva, The True Friends Reunited (formerly Saint-Jean des Voyageurs, lodge for foreigners).

Droysich: (1764) Chapter.

Elbing / Elblag: Zu den drei Kronen

Emden: Pax and Concordia

Erlangen: Lebanon with Three Oaks

Eisenach: Caroline

Frankfurt: The Three Chardons, Guillaume aux Trois Roses

Friedberg: Lodge SOT

Giessen: Lodge SOT

Glatz / Klodzko (Poland): Zu den drei Triangeln (affiliated with the SO on May 26, 1766)

Gorlitz: The Crowned Serpent (formerly The Three Columns).

Goettingen: Augusta with Three Flames

Grenoble: Equality, the Perfect Union

Grossau: Lodge SOT

Guben: The Three Columns, Zu den drei Saülen am Weinberge

Hamburg: Absalon, Ferdinande, Caroline

Hanau: Wilhelmine, Caroline

Hanover The White Horse

Hermannstadt (Hungary): The Three Water Lilies

Iena: The Three Sabers

Insterburg / Tcherniakhovsk: Zum Preussichen Adler

Kaiserslautern: Lodge SOT

Klattau: Aufrichtigkeit

Koenigsberg: Les Trois Couronnes (which outfitted two ships for a commercial expedition).

La Rochelle: The Perfect Union

Lausanne: The Perfect Union of Foreigners, The Perfect Friendship

Leipzig: Minerva, Minerva with Three Palms

Lemberg: The Three Standards, the Three White Eagles

Linz: Joseph zum Kaiserlichen Adler

Lubeck: Lodge SOT

Luxembourg: The Seven Skies

Lyon: La Parfaite Amitié, la Bienfaisance, la Sagesse et Parfaite Union (formerly True Friends and Perfect Friendship).

Macon: L’Intime Reunion

Magliebourg: La Constance

Marienberg (Saxony): The Three Hearts

Marienburg / Maiborck: Victoria zu den drei Gekröten Thürmen

Marseille: Saint-Jean d’Ecosse, the Triple Union

Mainz: The Three Thistles

Meiningen: Charlotte with Three Eyelets

Memel / Klaipèda: Memphis zum Obelishen

Montauban: La Bonne Foy

Montpellier: Lodge SOT

Morlaix: The Noble Friendship

Moscow: The Three Standards

Munich: Prudence

Munster: Friedrich zu den drei Balken, created on October 3, 1778

Nancy: Auguste Félicité

Naples: Della Victoria and her Aquila Chapter

Naumburg: The Three Hammers

Neubrandebourg: The Crowned Griffon D’Or

Neuwied: Loge SOT

Niederzaucha (H. Silesia): The Seven Brilliant Constellations

Nistitz (Silesia): The Earth Globe, The Golden Sphere

Nuremberg: The Union, Joseph of the Union

Paris: The Charity

Posen (Poland): Lodge SOT

Prague: The Three Crowned Stars, Sincerity (17451785), the Three Comets, the Lodge of Klettau, The Three Eagles, The Three Crowned Columns, Joseph with the Imperial Eagle, Casimir with the 9 stars.

Querfurt: Minerva zu den drei Lichtern, created on December 19, 1773

Regensburg: The Crescent with the Three Golden Keys

Riga: the Sword

Rostock: The Three Stars

Rothenburg: SOT Lodge

Saintpoelten: Joseph in the Golden Helmet

Saint Petersburg: Zur Glücklichen Eintracht

Salzburg: SOT Lodge

Sarrebourg: The True Burgundians, the True Masons of Saint-Louis

Stargard: From Augusta to the Golden Crown

Steinfurth Lodge SOT

Stettin: The Perfect Union, The Three Compasses

Stockholm: SOT Lodge and Orphanage

Strasbourg: La Candeur, Saint-Louis d’Alsace, Saint-Jean d’Hérédom, Friendship, Perfect Silence, Ferdinand aux Neuf Etoiles, Iris.

Stuttgart: The Three Cedars.

Toulouse: Saint-Jean d’Ecosse

Trieste: Concordia

Turin: The Mysterious

Unwurden: The Three Columns (1st founded by Baron Charles de Hund).

Valence: Wisdom

Warsaw: The Three Brothers, the Virtuous Sarmate, Charles of the Sword at the Camp, Catherine of the North Star, Jean of the Polar Star.

Vienna: The Three Eagles, the Crowned Hope, the Generous, the Palm Tree, True Friends, Albert with the Golden Helmet. Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart was received on Tuesday, December 14, 1784 in the Lodge Zur Wolthâtidkeit (the Charity) and also attended the Lodge Zur wahren Eintracht (the True Concord)

Warasdin: The Perfect Union

Weimar: Amalia zu drei rosen Johann Wolfgang Goethe, great German poet 1749-1832 initiated in 1780

Wetslar: Joseph with the Three Helmets

Wieliczka: Hermann with the Black Turtle

Wiesbaden: Lodge SOT

Zelasczyk: Zum goldenen Stuck (military lodge)

Zurich: Modestia Cum Libertate, Zur Bescheidenheit

 Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar (1766)

 Military lodges


Military lodge of the Tillier regiment in Aussig

Military Lodge of the Durlach Regiment

Military lodge of the Frontier Guard regiment of Lika

“The Invincible with Armed Arms”.

Military lodge of the Royal Roussillon regiment

“The Perfect Union”.

Saint-Louis military lodge in Nancy