
Who are we?

The Strict Templar Observance (SOT), also known as the Illustrious Order of The Templar Strict Observance (OISOT), is constituted as an association governed by the law of July the 1st, 1901 and its decree of application of August 16th, 1901.
It is a Masonic institution through the Great Scottish Lodge of Strict Observance, (GLESO). Its members, “brothers” or “sisters” between them, are then likely to join the Inner Order, which is an Order of chivalry.

The proposed route is both initiation and traditional and is based on:

  • faith in a trinity God, also named The Great Architect of the Universe;
  • fidelity to the traditions of the Order of the Templars, and to the principles of the Rite of Strict Observance.

As members of a chivalrous Order, they are subject to strict adherence to the old obligations of the Order of Freemasons, i.e. to the traditional rules of regular Freemasonry, on the one hand, and its constitution (general regulation and statutes), on the other.
The Order is mixed.

The Strict Templar Observance is part of the concert of the great movements of Masonic thought, dating back in particular to the first half of the “Century of Lights”.

Its protectors and prominent members included two emperors, a dozen reigning kings and princes, numerous representatives of the great aristocracy, senior officials, senior officers, liberal professions, and renowned artists including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

The Strict Templar Observance, since its awakening in 1995, after more than 2 two centuries of sleep, and strong of the successes achieved since then, now has the means to transmit its chivalrous and Christian values all over the world.

The Grand Scottish Lodge of Strict Observance manages the allegorical lodges of apprentices, companions and masters. The latter perfect themselves in the study of Masonic symbolism, and spirituality in general.

Having done their time, and proved their knowledge of the tradition of the Order, they then have access to the Inner Order.

The rituals practiced by the lodges of Strict “contemporary” Observance are identical to the certified copy in accordance with the original Dresden, of 17 March 1774; (signed: Frédéric August Moldauer, with the full powers of the absent – Visitor General: F. Aloysius Count von Brehl).
Remember that the first lodge of the Strict Observance was founded on June 24, 1751 in Kittlitz (Germany).
The proposed initiation route is based on Christian esotericism, and is based on the fundamental canons of 18th century Freemasonry.

The Great Scottish Lodge of Strict Observance is mixed, because it considers that freemasonry well understood is above all a universal fraternity.

An initiation society open to the world, the Strict Templar Observance therefore gladly accepts to be visited by all the brothers and sisters regularly initiated, regardless of their obedience, provided of course that they have not been disbarred from our Order or from friendly Masonic bodies.

Visits are at the discretion of the lodge master.

Practicing only one rite, that of Rite Scots of Strict Observance, dual membership is allowed (i.e. the possibility for a member of the Strict Templar Observance to belong to a different obedience if the latter accepts it).

The Strict Templar Observance, with its Great Scottish Lodge, does not proselytize or seek to cultivate relations of secular interest even though the numbers are now in harmonious progress on several continents. (In recent years, many friendship treaties have been regularly signed all over the world, with various Masonic bodies or powers, and even large priories).

The Order thus transmits, at first, the initiation awakening to its members through a Masonic system and, in a second, the chivalrous ideal, which has been based since its creation in the 12th century on Christian, theological and cardinal values.Thus, any man or woman, believer and of good will, can claim access to the Illustrious Order of Strict Templar Observance through the Great Scottish Lodge.

The Strict Templar Observance offers the sincere seeking a complete and remarkable path of initiation.

The Inner Order, conveying chivalrous values, is a military rite. It consists of the lodges of Scottish masters of Strict Observance, then the houses of novices and finally chapters of Knights of the Temple. (Even Knights Profes, which is not a rank but a distinction, for those who have rendered services to the Order).
It should be noted that in addition to the rank of Scottish master of Strict Observance, there are additional ranks: Knight of the Sword or the Orient and Knight of the Rose-Cross Sovereign Eagle, that of the elected knights and that of the Rite of Clermont.

All learn to apply the knowledge acquired previously, to develop a behavior respecting the moral and chivalrous values acquired as it evolves in the Order and to respect the word given.

It is among them that the executives of the Order are chosen and elected.
Among this elite are co-opted members of the cleric, made up of three ranks: Postulant, novice, canon.

The Strict Templar Observance thus conveys both the values of traditional Freemasonry and those of chivalry. These values, which refer to the profession of builder and the chivalrous “gesture”, cannot be obsolete, because they are those of tradition.

Here is an excerpt from the rules that the young Karl Gotthelf von Hund had approved at the very beginning of the Strict Observance in 1751, and which we continue to pass on: Adherence to Freemasonry may come from very different incentives, these incentives will determine the zeal and conduct of a newly received brother or sister.
Some come to the Order, driven by a special respect for it, they see so many reasonable men and women united among themselves, they like it, and they want to be part of this chain. This reéason is the most beautiful of all.

Regarding the historical regularity of the mix within the lodges of our Order, how can we appreciate the fullness of symbols such as sun/moon, without having the feeling of both sexes? How can one truly absorb the feeling of the think tank/retirement room? How can we get to the bottom of strength, wisdom and beauty without having perceptions and ones?
Our diversity is not opposition but complementarity and allows the mix to operate a better approach to the truth.
In the history of the Strict Templar Observance, in its special statutes and regulations, and more precisely in Article 2, it is stated that the knights are admitted in the Strict Templar Observance.This admission is de facto linked to the fact that in the tradition of the great orders of medieval chivalry, they had their place (the most well-known of the public being Joan of Arc).

Nowadays, no profession excludes the presence of women, which is why since its inception, strict Observance receives women at all grades that it practices, for several reasons:

  • All the great chivalrous orders admit ladies within them and it is, to be convinced only, to consult the works concerning the Order of Malta, the Teutonic Order, the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
  • There was a knighthood of the ladies and orders of female chivalry, even if they were late. The statutes and regulations of the ladies of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (1099) also specify that the knighthoods must be of Catholic religion…

They took an oath.
As for the Order of the Ladies of the Cross of the Star, established by Empress Eleanor, the dues of Emperor Ferdinand III (1608-1657), the same is true.
From its inception, the Templar Militia admitted sisters, sisters or benefactors, according to the rule.Thus, a charter dated February 2, 1207 mentions that Marie Valréas had given herself to the Order of the Temple. On April 9, 1305, Lady Agnes was also the case.
Since the Illustrious Order of Strict Observance is chivalrous from the secular novitiate, the admission of women as Ladies is therefore no problem.

Strict Observance is a Masonic and chivalrous Order, intended to be such in the 18th century and, nowadays, the Order of the Temple restored and renewed.