Opus Templi, a charity
The latter is placed under the responsibility of the Grand Master General of the Order.
Opus Templi, or Templar work of mercy, is the organ in charge of charity and various aids, in particular to pilgrims and foreigners, according to the advice of the Psalmist: “Do not keep silent, because I am before you as a stranger and a traveler ”.
And does not the same teach us that “mercy shall rise up as an everlasting edifice in the heavens? “
The work is also concerned with defending the memory of glorious predecessors.
The Grand Master General, past Grand Masters General and active Provincial Grand Masters are ex officio members of Opus Templi.
Opus Templi receives alms and donations, in particular those collected by hospital staff in the lodges at least once a year during the installation or relocation of the lodge masters, and possibly the products of conferences, exhibitions, the sale of works and any other activity related to its mission.
Thus, Opus Templi will remain faithful to the works of mercy “of the house of the Temple” which always “were established so great and so beautiful por amor of Deu and the poor”.