1314 – 2014: Commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Jacques de Molay, March 18, 1314

Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty who officiated, in the Principality of Andorra, at the commemorative mass for the 700 years of the death of Jacques de Molay and who blessed the Order of Strict Observance, its banners, its Brothers and Sisters and their swords.

Commemorative medals of the Order, blessed by Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty.

Among the very large attendance, the very respectable Brother Jean-Marie Auzanneau-Fouquet, past Grand Master General of the Order and Regent of the Rite.

Entry of Monsignor Marty preceded by Didier Pestel, Grand Master General of the Order of Strict Observance and of all its Templar provinces spread over the surface of the earth.

Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty, preceded by the Grand Master General of the Order of Strict Observance Templar, blessed the large crowd at the entrance of the church.

Monsignor Marty blesses a brother of Strict Observance and his sword.

The Knights of the Temple of Templar Strict Observance, preparing to be blessed, along with their swords.

Monsignor Marty evoking the history of the Templars and the Catholic Church.

Monsignor Marty blesses the Order of Strict Observance Templar.

The banner of the serene grand master general of the Order and of all its Templar provinces spread over the face of the earth is blessed by Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty on April 15, 2014, in Andorra.

During his sermon, Monsignor Marty, reminds the Knights of the Temple of Strict Observance of their commitments to Christendom.

During the sermon, reminders and warnings in case of non-respect of the given word and behavioral failure in their Christian life.

To the great joy of all the assistance the kiss of reconciliation, of gratitude and of peace between the Catholic Church and the Templar Strict Observance.

Blessing of a Sister of Strict Observance, of her sword, followed by Communion.

Blessing and communion of a knight of the Temple of Stricte Observance Templar.

The Grand Master General of the Order has the Catholic Church and its representative, Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty, thanked by the Knights of the Temple of Strict Observance with a triple “cheer!” High swords!

Monsignor Jean-Paul Marty, surrounded by the Grand Master General and the Provincial Grand Masters of the Order:
First Templar province, known as of Aragon, the very respectable brother Michel Duverger,
Ninth Templar province, known as the archipelagos and islands below and beyond the seas,
The serene Grand Master General of the Order of Strict Observance and of all its Templar provinces spread over the face of the earth, the very respectable Brother Didier Pestel,
Fourth Templar province, called Leon,
Third Templar province, known as Occitanie.